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Thursday 7 October 2010

Entertainment and Leisure

The way we entertain ourselves has changed dramatically because of the Informational Age that we live in. There are various things which technology has allowed us to do, including the way we live, the way we plan etc. One of the main ways in which technology has evolved is due to the Internet; there are many features of websites that have made people's lives easier and more entertaining.

The newest ways that the Internet has done this is by Iplayers. Iplayers are within websites such as the BBC or ITV, the main function of the Iplayer is to catch up on shows or movies that have been missed. Any programme that has been previewing on TV will be shown on the Iplayer. That’s not the only reason why the Iplayer was made, but for the reason of giving entertainment to its viewers, if the user is going on a journey this type of entertainment can be very convenient for them, because the users have constant video access where ever they go, it’s almost like a portable TV. Another reason would be if the user does not have the channels, they can easily make their computer, laptop or Ipad their TV because the exact same shows that are on the TV are ideally on the Internet. This form of IT has affected the way we live because we have found various ways of watching TV without having access from the TV itself, and this kind of service happens to be free unlike the entertainment boxes such as the Sky or Virgin Box. In addition to that Iplayer also offers free entertainment, unlike some movie sites where the user has to pay to watch the movie online, the Iplayer allows the user to watch movies for free so long as the video has not expired, and it offers a better quality of picture such as HD. This shows that in some cases free products sometimes offer better quality than those that the user has to pay for. Another good reason why the Iplayer has evolved through the years is because of the services that the Internet offers. The Iplayer has TV shows that come with the website, for example the BBC iplayer offers all programmes that are associated with BBC such as BBC2 and BBC3. The Iplayer can offer the user various shows, one thing that the user can do is they can set up which shows are their favourite simply by making a user name to store all the options that the user has made. so this makes it a lot easier for the user to find their favourite show without having to search for it time and time again, this has just made searching for things a lot easier and a lot more convenient. In addition to the point about having a log in name, as well as being able to store the user’s favourite channels, the site will see what the user likes and will tend to make suggestions on which videos the user might find interesting. if the user has saved a video in their area, the Iplayer shows which videos are expiring on a certain day, because the Iplayer does not keep the videos for a long period of time, therefore sometimes it would be a better choice for the user to download the video before it expires, and again there are no payments when it comes to downloading.

The next form of entertainment that people enjoy doing is watching films. Through the years the cinema experience has grown from just watching black and white TV to, having a big screen that can capacitate hundreds of people. How this has changed the lives of people is that there is a different feel to the way a movie is watched at home compared to watching a movie in a big room full of people with the same interests. Being in a cinema adds more features during the movie compared to watching it at home; these features include the sound system, lighting, and the picture. Sound systems have a great impact on the way people watch movies because, the way sound projects in a in the cinema creates a certain effect. Because of IT the movie makers can emphasis which parts need to be heard, and the speakers contribute a lot to this. The second is lighting, during a 4D movie, the lights can make the viewers feel like they are in the movie, and they add certain elements such as if it’s windy there will be a certain gust to make the audience feel like they are part of the movie. So IT makes the audience go into a virtual world of entertainment. There are many ways in which the users can create a replica of the cinema experience (maybe not as much as 4D) with the technology that has been brought in this century. In some houses the users may wish to have a house projector, which can portray the exact setting that the cinema has, and of course just having a big screen to add to the entertainment. Once they have that they can also get a cinema remote control which controls all the setting and movies that are watched, in some cases it can control the entire room, if the room has specifically been made for the projector, the remote can control the blinds to close them, dim the lights to have a full cinema experience. How this has affected the lives of people today is that it has upgraded the way we watch films, and it has reduced the many people who go to the cinema to watch a film, when it can be done in their own home.

DVDs are another form of entertainment that many users can find very useful in some circumstances. A DVD is an optical disk storage, this means that it can store a lot of media. (Digital Video Disc), has affected the way people live by travelling. DVDs can be watched whilst on a long trips on the train or in a car (apart from the driver), DVDs are very portable which means they can be taken everywhere, and the size of the DVD player is not that big therefore it makes it much more convenient to carry, unlike the old videos which is impossible to make portable, so logically different forms of entertainment can be taken anywhere so long as they have the right device, e.g. music with an Ipod. Another form of DVDs is Blu Ray, which has the same properties as a DVD apart from the fact that it makes movies much clearer and the colour is much viewable. This is good for entertainment purposes because it makes the movie a lot clearer and a lot more modern. in addition to that it has a lot more storage in the disc than most DVDs, therefore for movies sake, there can be extra features that the viewer is accessible to, such as if the film put the cast talking about the movie in the disc or put deleted scenes, that adds to the entertainment of viewers because it may be something that is not shown on TV.      
DVDs are not just for watching movies, some DVDs are created for educational purposes, take for example the learning DVD Muzzy, that helps kids to have fun whilst learning at the same time.  Although it is educational it can also be classed as entertainment because the kids are interacting with the DVD and most importantly enjoying it, therefore IT in this area has helped a lot of kids learn outside of the classroom. DVDs do not have to be specifically bought from the shops; the users can also make DVD movies by burning them via their own computer. Due to the development of IT it has been made possible for users to put anything on the DVDs from pictures, which can be made into a slide show, they can put music files on the DVD because it holds more than any ordinary CD, and of course they can have their own movies on the DVD. In some cases it has been made possible for user to have more than one movie per disc because of the amount of space that the DVD has, so many videos can be all in one place.  

Movie trailer on the quality of picture Blu Ray DVD offers to the viewers  

The next device that enables a lot of people to find entertainment would be the Sky box. The sky box has made the world of entertainment much broader than most other boxes provide. Sky offers hundreds of channels that the user can pick from, it all depends on the users interests. In some cases some Sky viewers might just want the sports and movie channels, sky is able to provide that kind of service, it also saves costs on the channels that they pick, instead of having all the channels and paying for all of them, picking the ones that interest the viewer makes it a lot cheaper. the good things about this service is that if the viewer want to add a new category of channels to their Sky box, they are more  than eligible to do so, likewise if they want to remove some channels. so in terms of how how IT has made the sky box give us the entertainment is by numerous reasons:

Thanks to IT, the Sky box has got one of the most successful services for programmes in the UK, not many Broadcasters offer this kind of service, although they are trying to catch up with Sky, but Sky is always one step ahead of them offering new programmes that haven't been made yet or are almost releasing, such as 3D channels. Part of the entertainment about Sky is that there are various ways that that they can catch their entertainment. Recording programmes is one way of storing entertainment, if the user is not at home and want to record something; it is very easy to do so with Sky+ not the ordinary Sky digibox. The user can record all the programmes that they want and the digibox will record regardless if the box is switched off. The good thing about the way IT has evolved in this process is the the fact that Sky can record numerous series of TV shows, this is good for the user because they know that their favourite entertainment shows are recorded. Another way in which IT has contributed to entertainment is by the use if the Live Pause, this significantly helps the user because if they are in the middle of doing something, they can easily pause what they're watching or they can rewind what they've missed. on the subject of live pause, one of the ways that Sky adds to the viewers entertainment is having channels that show live shows, such as football or the X factor. The use if IT has enabled the satellites to have these channels ready for the viewers to watch them, and shows them in very high quality picture. to add to the sensation of watching the live shows, the Sky box has various ways to add to the entertainment, there is the Sky HD box and soon to come the Sky3D box. both these boxes make entertainment worth while because the picture is very clear, each aspect of the screen is clear, and any fast motions are viewable. As for the 3D TV,  seeing it right in front of the user adds to the excitement of the entertainment. This is how IT has managed to make entertainment more exciting and making it is adding to the value of the channels.                

Questionnaire on Entertainment 
Click on pie chart to Enlarge 

Advantages of entertainment and leisure
the advantages of entertainment is that it is one of the household needs that almost everyone would want to have, products such as the SKY area great way of entertainment because of the amount of channels that it has as well as the amount of genres that it covers, and the audience that it captures are endless, there is almost a channel for everyone. The next reason why entertainment is an advantage is because of the fact that many viewers to not need to go out in order to find entertainment, having their own home cinema is one of the ways on how it saves costs on going out to watch a production. It also allows the viewers to make their own effect on their cinema life, the can have a big projector, and they can control the sound system, and choose any movie that they want, so having a cinema at home allows the viewers to enjoy and choose from a variety of movies without any costs attached. another reason about entertainment is that technology is going to have continuous updates, so there is always going to be continuous updates on how to improve the way people view television such as from HD TV to 3D TV, technology is constantly improving to make the viewing experience much better by the years.

Disadvantages of Entertainment and Leisure
There are several disadvantages of entertainment, one of the common ones is having entertainment rather than doing work. If there is something interesting on the Television or the viewers are watching a movie, it can become very distracting for a lot of people, and that can cause them to loose track of time, and therefore not allocating enough time to their work.  secondly for television lovers, it does become very hard to come off the TV because of the amount of channels that are being offered, and there is always something to watch, this again can affect work very much, since there are so many shows available it is very easy to find something else to watch, and can get the viewer side tracked. the most crucial thing that can happen in terms of entertainment is addiction, it is possible for the viewers to get addicted to just sitting around and watching television, online shows, or movies. it is possible for the viewers to think about nothing but their own entertainment. in addition to that from the effects just wanting to watch something can cause a lot of viewers can become anti social because they won't need anyone to entertain them, they will have no need to go out with friends, and there is a possibility of loosing friends. 

News stories relating to Entertainment and Leisure
This news story is about how a DVD seller is facing deportation because of the 20,000 fake DVDs that he had made. Although DVDs are a great way of entertainment, people go through lengths to get the movies illegally to sell them to many customers. the worst thing about this story is that this person is an illegal immigrant, so he isn't suppose to live in the country and he is selling fake DVDs the the people.
This story is about how the BBC Iplayer is the best catch up TV service. it says that the BBC offers the best usable video on demand offering. this shows that the BBC has attracted many viewers because of the many videos that they preview.

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